History: The Medina Public Works Facility Fleet Services garage needs to be updated and expanded. There is limited space in the existing welding area to maintain large vehicles used for plowing and Public Works road maintenance. Because this equipment is now larger than it was when the facility was built, there is not enough room to meet current workplace safety standards. For instance, when working on larger equipment such as a plow truck with a side plow wing, the welder must move a work bench and back the large truck in at an angle, which only allows 1.5-2 feet of clearance on each side.
The project will nearly double the size of the welding shop by expanding one bay into the existing unconditioned parking area. The additional welding bay will be converted to a tempered (heated and cooled) space. A large overhead four directional crane will be added to the existing welding area and an overhead fall protection system will be added for staff safety.
Through a best value procurement process, a Request for Proposals was released on March 16, 2021. Seven proposals were received. Based on the results of the selection process, which included proposal evaluation and interviews with the proposers’ key staff, American Liberty Construction, Inc. received the highest overall rating of the three lowest priced proposers, based on cost, written submittals, and interviews of critical team members. Staff recommends that American Liberty Construction, Inc. be awarded this contract as it represents the best value to the county.
The project will be funded through Capital Project 1007237 and through the Fleet Services Internal Service Fund Balance.
Current Request: This is a request to award Contract 5179A0 to American Liberty Construction, Inc. for the Medina Welding Expansion project in the amount of $644,800.
Impact/Outcomes: Approval of this project will increase the size of the welding shop and create a safer environment for the employees of Public Works Facility Fleet Services at the Medina location.