History: As part of the METRO Green Line Extension Project (“the Project”), the Metropolitan Council allowed local governments to identify any local projects for design, environmental clearance, and construction by the Southwest Light Rail Transit project office. Funding for local projects is provided by the local unit(s) of government and administered by Metropolitan Council under Master Funding Agreement A142418 (Resolution 14-0515) and individual Subordinate Funding Agreements (SFAs) for identified local projects.
Hennepin County identified the need for assessment and cleanup of certain contaminated sites related to the Project, which work would be eligible for funding from the Environmental Response Fund. The sites in question were: Shady Oak Station, Louisiana Station, and Beltline Station. Pursuant to Resolution 16-0429, Hennepin County entered into an SFA (Agreement A166373 or “SFA 8”) with the Metropolitan Council to provide for this work. SFA 8 has a not-to-exceed cost to Hennepin County of $5,000,000.
On August 27, 2019, the Board adopted Resolution 19-0334, authorizing negotiation of Amendment 1 to Agreement A166373 to incorporate revised payment terms and extend the contract end date to December 31, 2023, with no change in the not to exceed amount.
Additional contaminated sites related to the Project have now been identified that are similarly eligible for funding from the Environmental Response Fund. This Resolution would authorize negotiation of Amendment 2 to SFA 8 to permit assessment and cleanup of those sites to be performed by the project office under that agreement.
Current Request: This request authorizes the County Administrator to negotiate Amendment 2 to Agreement A166373 with the Metropolitan Council for the METRO Green Line Extension Project to incorporate additional Environmental Response Fund grant site locations eligible for reimbursement, with no change to the NTE.
Impact/Outcomes: This amendment will allow for additional project locations to be eligible for reimbursement to the Metropolitan Council for construction work related to the METRO Green Line Extension Project.