History: In May 2012, the Hennepin County Board designated Penn Avenue as a Community Works project to “stimulate economic development, beautification, livability, and job creation” (Resolution 12-0238). The project was created in close collaboration with Metro Transit and the City of Minneapolis as implementation partners. In January 2012, the Minneapolis City Council established the Penn Avenue Redevelopment Plan to respond to redevelopment needs and opportunities in north Minneapolis. In 2013, Hennepin County, the Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority, and City of Minneapolis approved a multijurisdictional cooperative agreement (Resolution 13-HCHRA-0038) for development activities along Lowry and Penn Avenues, including planning, acquisition activities, and funding.
In 2014, the board directed staff to undertake a planning process to create a community-supported vision and a coordinated, long-term implementation framework identifying public and private partnerships along with potential investments supporting multimodal transportation, economic development, housing, and placemaking along Penn Avenue North from I-394 to 49th Avenue North (Resolution 14-0051). The resulting Penn Avenue Community Works Implementation Framework (Framework) was developed with significant community and stakeholder input.
In 2016, the board adopted the Framework as a guide for specific coordinated investments and activities to be undertaken by Hennepin County and other public and private partners (Resolution 16-0099R1). Many of the recommended investments have been implemented, including transit, roadway, and bikeway investments; support for businesses, housing, and redevelopment; and greening and public realm improvements.
The creation of a north-south bike boulevard on Queen Avenue North is one of the investments recommended in the Framework. This bikeway aligns with Hennepin County’s Complete Streets and Active Living policies and meets several objectives of the Framework. The bikeway will provide:
- improved bike and pedestrian connectivity throughout the corridor
stress-free access to destinations on Penn
- important health benefits
a community amenity.
Since 2018, county and city staff have engaged community and stakeholders in the design of the low-stress bikeway including enhanced crossings at three county roadways:
- CSAH 40 (Glenwood Avenue) – raised median crossing
CSAH 66 (Golden Valley Road) – rectangular rapid flash beacon
CSAH 153 (Lowry Avenue) – raised median crossing
Total project cost of the Queen Avenue Bike Boulevard will be approximately $3.05 million. Hennepin County will reimburse the City of Minneapolis for costs not to exceed $200,000 for the construction of improvements at those three county roads, as displayed in the Queen Avenue Concept Design Layout.
Current Request: Approve This request seeks authorization to negotiate Agreement PR00003299 with the City of Minneapolis for the Queen Avenue Bike Boulevard project consistent with the adopted Penn Avenue Community Works Investment Framework, during the period June 1, 2021 through December 31, 2022, in a not to exceed amount of $200,000.
Impact/Outcomes: The Queen Ave Bike Boulevard will improve bike connections in north Minneapolis and improve the safety for all transportation modes in the Penn Avenue Community Works corridor. Improvements along this corridor will enhance livability for Hennepin County residents and improve connectivity and mobility options for users of the bikeway system. Hennepin County’s contribution leverages $1.85 million in city funds and $1 million in federal funds.