| | | | | | | | Board Action Request 21-0168
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| | | | | | | | Item Description: Neg agmt PW 11-04-21 with Brooklyn Park for temporary traffic signal system and pedestrian ramp improvements at CSAH 103 and Candlewood Drive (CP 2183500) (county cost NTE $100,000, property tax) |
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| | | | | | | | Resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Administrator be authorized to negotiate Agreement PW 11-04-21 with the city of Brooklyn Park for cost participation and maintenance responsibilities for construction of a temporary traffic signal and pedestrian ramp improvements at the intersection of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 103 (West Broadway Avenue) and Candlewood Drive, county project (CP) 2183500, at a county cost not to exceed $100,000; that upon review and approval by the County Attorney’s Office, the Chair of the Board be authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the county; and that the Controller be authorized to disburse funds as directed. |
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| | | | | | | | Background:
History: The city of Brooklyn Park, in coordination with the county, is leading a project to construct a temporary traffic signal and upgrade the pedestrian ramps at the West Broadway Avenue/Candlewood Drive intersection. Proposed Agreement PW 11-04-21 with the city stipulates that the county will participate in the construction cost and associated engineering fees, and will provide video detection cameras, a traffic signal cabinet and related equipment for the project to integrate the new signal system with the county’s larger system.
The county cost participation will not exceed $100,000. After project completion, the county will assume ownership of the signal system while the city will assume maintenance responsibilities. The temporary traffic signal is anticipated to be constructed in 2021 and is planned to be replaced with a permanent system as part of the METRO Blue Line Extension (Bottineau Light Rail Transit Project).
Funding for the project is available in CP 2183500 – Cost Participation & Partnerships 2019-2023, with expenses tracked in its associated subproject CP 2183530 – (Coordinated Project) Brooklyn Park-led Candlewood Temporary Signal.
Current Request: This request seeks authorization to negotiate and execute PW 11-04-21 with the city of Brooklyn Park for cost participation and maintenance responsibilities for construction of a temporary signal system and pedestrian ramp improvements at the intersection of West Broadway Avenue and Candlewood Drive, CP 2183500, at a county cost not to exceed $100,000.
Impacts/Outcomes: Approval of this request will enable the county to address our goals to improve accessibility and enhance safety for people driving, biking, walking, and rolling in the area.
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| | | | | | | | Recommendation from County Administrator: Recommend Approval | |