History: The county, in collaboration with the city of Brooklyn Park, is leading the Bottineau Boulevard reconstruction project, CP 2092200, from West Broadway Avenue to Highway 169. The project began in 2019 with substantial completion in 2020. Within the project area, the BNSF railroad crosses 73rd Avenue North, Brooklyn Boulevard and Green Haven Drive west of Bottineau Boulevard. The crossings at Brooklyn Boulevard and 73rd Avenue North will be replaced, and the crossing signals will be modified with the roadway widening. The Green Haven Drive crossing will not be upgraded with the project.
On December 30, 2020, the county entered into Agreement PW 63-84-18 with BNSF to construct a new at-grade crossing surface and modify the crossing signal at Brooklyn Boulevard (Resolution 19-0382). This resolution authorized the county to pay BNSF for right of way, crossing and signal modification costs at 73rd Avenue North, Brooklyn Boulevard, and Green Haven Drive, CP 2092200, at an estimated county cost of $3,225,000.
Since the city has jurisdiction of 73rd Avenue North, this crossing requires the city to enter into an agreement with BNSF and the county. Additionally, an overall construction and maintenance agreement for the crossings at Brooklyn Boulevard and 73rd Avenue North is required by BNSF. The County Board’s approval is needed to enter into these three-party agreements.
Agreement PW 08-84-21 with BNSF and Brooklyn Park stipulates that BNSF will construct a new at-grade crossing and modify the crossing signals to accommodate the reconstructed roadway at 73rd Avenue North, CP 2092200, at no additional county cost.
Agreement PW 10-84-21 with BNSF and Brooklyn Park stipulates that the county will be responsible for constructing the roadway approaches to the crossings. BNSF will construct new at-grade crossings and modify the crossing signals. After completion, BNSF will operate and maintain the new crossing surfaces and signal systems, the county will maintain warning signs and pavement markings on the county road, and the city will maintain warning signs and pavement markings on its road.
Construction of the railroad crossings and signals is anticipated to begin in fall of 2021 with substantial completion in fall 2022.
Current Request: This request is for authorization to negotiate and execute agreements:
- PW 08-84-21 with BNSF and Brooklyn Park for construction of a railroad crossing and signal at 73rd Avenue North, CP 2092200.
- PW 10-84-21 with BNSF and Brooklyn Park for construction and maintenance responsibilities of railroad crossings and signals with the Bottineau Boulevard reconstruction project, CP 2092200.
Impacts/Outcomes: Approval of this request will address the county’s goals to preserve and modernize our transportation system and improve safety, reliability, and comfort for all transportation users.