Item Coversheet

Board Action Request

Item Description:
Neg Amd 8 to Agmt A177882A with Met Council for the METRO Blue Line Extension project (CP 1005877); extend period to 02/28/22; no change in NTE

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners authorizes negotiation of Amendment 8 to Agreement A177882A (Counties Transit Improvement Board Capital Grant Agreement #02-2017-01) with the Metropolitan Council for the Blue Line Extension project (Bottineau Light Rail Transit, Capital Project 1005877), as assumed and amended by Hennepin County, extending the grant activity period from June 30, 2021 to February 28, 2022, with no change in the not to exceed amount of $66 million, and approving a revised disbursement schedule; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board authorizes the Chair to execute Amendment 8 after review and approval by the County Attorney’s Office; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board authorizes the Controller to transfer and disburse funds as necessary to carry out the intent of this Resolution.


History: Resolution 17-0207, on June 13, 2017, approved the assumption of certain not-yet-paid funding commitments for the Blue Line Extension project (Capital Project 1005877), the assumption of the 2017 Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB) Capital Grant Agreement (CTIB  #02201701/Met Council #17I001) with the Metropolitan Council for the Blue Line Extension project, and the imposition of the 0.5% Transportation sales and use tax and $20 motor vehicle excise tax that will be a source of funds for Hennepin County contributions to the project. Through these and other actions, Hennepin County agreed to take responsibility for the remainder of project funding formerly committed by CTIB and the remainder of funding formerly anticipated from the State of Minnesota.


Resolution 17-0493 R1, on November 28, 2017, approved Amendment 1 to the agreement. Amendment 1 authorized technical and conforming changes to reflect the county becoming the grantor under the assignment, authorized the county to provide $11,087,084 in funding for a 20% share of project costs until CTIB funding is fully expended, and extended the contract period to April 30, 2018. As a result of Amendment 1, the HCRRA share of project costs during the term of the agreement decreased from 40% to 20%.


Resolution 18-0150, on April 24, 2018, approved Amendment 2 to the agreement. Amendment 2 extended the contract term to September 30, 2018 and authorized the county to provide an additional $19,800,000 in funding for the project after CTIB funds are exhausted.


Resolution 18-0361, on September 6, 2018, approved Amendment 3 to the agreement. Amendment 3 extended the contract term to December 31, 2018, with no change to the not-to-exceed amount. 


Resolution 18-0490, on November 27, 2018, approved Amendment 4 to the agreement. Amendment 4 extended the contract term to June 30, 2019, with no change to the not-to-exceed amount.


Resolution 19-0219, on June 18, 2019, approved Amendment 5 to the agreement. Amendment 5 extended the contract term to January 31, 2020, with no change to the not-to-exceed amount.


Resolution 20-0023, on January 21, 2020, approved Amendment 6 to the agreement. Amendment 6 extended the contract term to October 31, 2020, with no change to the not-to-exceed amount.


Resolution 20-0389, on October 6, 2020, approved Amendment 7 to the agreement. Amendment 7 extended the contract term to June 30, 2021, with no change to the not-to-exceed amount.


Amendment 8 will extend the contract term from June 30, 2021 to February 28, 2022, with no change to the not-to-exceed amount. The contract not-to-exceed amount is $66,000,000.


As part of its commitment to fund the former state share of the project, the county has paid a 20%  share of project expenses since January 1, 2018, totaling $3.24 million through April 2021. When the last remaining CTIB funds are expended, the county will begin paying an 80% share of project expenses until execution of a federal Full Funding Grant Agreement. Approximately $4.3 million of CTIB grant funding remains available as of April 2021. 


Current Request: Authorization to negotiate Amendment 8 to Agreement A177882A with the Metropolitan Council for the METRO Blue Line Extension LRT Project (CP 1005877) for the engineering phase activities, extending the contract period from June 30, 2021 to February 28, 2022, with no change in the not to exceed amount of $66 million, and approving a revised disbursement schedule.


Impact/Outcomes: Amendment 8 to Agreement A177882A will allow for continued work on the METRO Blue Line Extension LRT.