Item Coversheet

Board Action Request

Item Description:
Recognize Earth Day 2022 and the importance of climate action, green infrastructure, environmental education, community engagement, and partnerships to meeting our goals and fulfilling our mission - offered by Commissioner Greene

WHEREAS, the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, is credited with launching the modern environmental movement and is recognized as the planet’s largest civic event; and


WHEREAS, the national Earth Day 2022 theme is “Invest in Our Planet,” to recognize our collective responsibility and to help accelerate the transition to an equitable, prosperous green economy for all; and


WHERAS, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners adopted the Climate Action Plan on May 4, 2021, which includes initiatives to cut greenhouse gas emissions and strategies to adapt to the changing climate in ways that reduce vulnerabilities and ensure a more equitable and resilient Hennepin County; and


WHEREAS, the county’s Climate Action Plan includes strategies to maximize climate investments in the green economy as well as workforce development opportunities to support broader county goals to grow the economy and reduce disparities in employment; and


WHEREAS, the impacts of the climate crisis, like other environmental justice issues, are not experienced equally since those who contribute least to the problem are the most impacted, so responding to climate change is a justice issue that must address disparities, advance community-based solutions and engagement, and ensure equitable access to green economic development opportunities; and


WHEREAS, some of the most important actions we can take on climate change include investing in green infrastructure and green economic development; fostering partnerships and increasing environmental education to encourage collective and civic action; therefore


BE IT RESOLVED, that Hennepin County recognizes the importance of Earth Day 2022 and that investments in climate action, green infrastructure, environmental education, community engagement, and partnerships are critical to meeting our goals and fulfilling our mission; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Hennepin County advances green jobs and green economic development and provides equitable opportunities by prioritizing training and opportunities for youth and Black, Indigenous, and people of color; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Hennepin County prioritizes environmental education and engagement with youth, Black, Indigenous, communities of color and other underserved and historically marginalized communities in order to reduce disparities and advance environmental justice; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Hennepin County fosters community-centered partnerships, supports community-based solutions, and engages the public in how we design and deliver our programs; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Hennepin County will promote environmental stewardship, offer outdoor and place-based youth environmental education programs, and involve volunteers in our work to further empower residents to individually and collectively take action to protect the environment and create healthier and stronger communities.