Item Coversheet

Board Action Request

Item Description:
Request a County Board vote on the installation of noise wall barriers on CSAH 30 from Brockton Lane to Lawndale Lane as part of Maple Grove’s 610 Extension Project

WHEREAS, the City of Maple Grove, in coordination with the county, is planning to reconstruct a segment of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 30 (97th Avenue) from CSAH 101 (Brockton Lane) to Lawndale Lane as part of the 610 Extension Project, which includes 11 potential noise wall locations for noise abatement; and


WHEREAS, 10 of the 11 noise walls comply with the noise requirements set by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Procedures for the Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise (Code of Federal Regulations 23 CFR 772), needed to receive federal funding; and


WHEREAS, the final step to determine whether to install the 10 noise walls with the project includes a voting process allowing each benefited resident, property owner, and agency that owns and operates the affected area(s) to have a final say whether each wall is installed; and


WHEREAS, the county will vote on nine noise walls (A1-1, A2, B1, B2, C, D, E2, F, G1) located along the north and south sides of 97th Avenue adjacent to multi-used trails; and


WHEREAS, the county is the owner of the trail right of way on which seven noise walls (A1-1, A2, B1, B2, C, D, G1) would be located, the city is the trail authority for voting purposes; and the adjacent multi-use trail is the receptor adjacent to the noise wall locations; and


WHEREAS, there are 168 total voting points for the seven noise walls (A1-1, A2, B1, B2, C, D, G1) and the county receives 112 voting points, or two-thirds of the voting points for these seven noise walls; and


WHEREAS, the city has voted to oppose the installation of the seven noise walls (A1-1, A2, B1, B2, C, D, G1), citing additional capital and maintenance costs and aesthetics; and


WHEREAS, the county is the owner of the trail right of way where the two noise walls (E2, F) would be located, the city is the trails authority for voting purposes, and the residents are benefited receptors adjacent to the noise wall locations; and


WHEREAS, there are 128 total voting points for the two noise walls (E2, F) and the county receives 28 voting points, or approximately one-quarter of the voting points for these two noise walls; and


WHEREAS, the city has abstained from voting on the two noise walls (E2, F) to allow the residents adjacent to the noise wall locations to have the final decision of whether to install these two noise walls; therefore, 


BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners opposes the installation of seven noise walls (A1-1, A2, B1, B2, C, D, G1) and abstains from voting on the installation of two noise walls (E2 and F) along County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 30 (97th Avenue) west of Lawndale Lane as part of Maple Grove’s 610 Extension Project 


The City of Maple Grove, in partnership with the county and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), is leading the 610 Extension Project to connect Minnesota Highway 610 (MN-610) to Interstate (I)-94 and CSAH 30 (97th Avenue). As part of the project, a portion of 97th Avenue will be reconstructed.


Federal funding for the project requires compliance with FHWA noise requirements. Since future noise levels will meet or exceed the federal criteria along the trail on 97th Avenue, noise abatement measures, such as noise walls, vegetation and fencing were considered.


City staff sent a letter to the affected residents and property owners asking if they were in favor of or opposed to constructing noise walls that would impact their property. The city voted to oppose the installation of noise walls (A1-1, A2, B1, B2, C, D, G1) due to capital and maintenance costs, aesthetics and safety concerns due to reduced visibility caused by the noise walls and abstained from voting on two noise walls (E2 and F) allowing the adjacent residents to make the final decision.


The county’s vote will be documented in the project’s environmental document. The county board’s vote to oppose seven noise walls (A1-1, A2, B1, B2, C, D, G1) means that the walls will not be included in the 610 Extension Project.


The project is scheduled to begin construction in early 2023 and be substantially complete in 2024.


Current Request: Staff recommends that the county board oppose the installation of seven noise walls along 97th Avenue (A1-1, A2, B1, B2, C, D, G1) based on the additional capital and maintenance costs and aesthetics and abstain from voting on the installation of two noise walls (E2 and F) as part of Maple Grove’s 610 Extension Project.


Impacts/Outcomes: This action will support opposing the installation of seven noise walls along the county’s trail right of way, eliminating them from the 610 Extension Project. The overall project will enhance connections and promote jobs and economic development in northwest Hennepin County and provide a multi-modal connection across I-94. 

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Map of noise walls along CSAH 30 (610 Extension Project)7/25/2022Map