Project Diva was selected through a recent Request for Proposals process to provide new services to Hennepin County through the Hennepin County Attorney's Office Be@School Program.
Be@School focuses on addressing barriers to school attendance. Hennepin County is committed to equitable academic outcomes across racial and cultural groups. This board action request aligns with Hennepin County disparity reduction efforts by supporting educational opportunities for all students residing in Hennepin County. The target population is students between the ages of 5-17. Vendors assess the barriers to school attendance, monitor school attendance and encourage school relationships and engagement. To address the barriers, vendors provide culturally responsive, voluntary, short-term services which are family focused. Vendors provide support to parent(s)/guardian(s) and assist in referrals to a wide range of county and community resources.
Project Diva mentors African American females ages 11-17. The agency requested a slower rollout of Be@School services to ensure quality services to students and families. The amendment to the contract reflects a lower case load and reimbursement rate for the first three months of the contract.