Item Coversheet

Board Action Request

Item Description:
Amd 3 to Agmt A131050 with the MN Dept of Health for Family Planning Grant, ext contract end date through 6/30/18, incr recv by $343,631 for a new total recv amt of $1,626,138

BE IT RESOLVED, that Amendment 3 to Agreement A131050 with the Minnesota Department of Health for a Family Planning Special Project Grant to NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center, Inc, increasing the receivable by $343,631 for a new total receivable amount of $1,626,138, be approved; and that the Chair of the Board be authorized to sign the Amendment on behalf of the county; and that the Controller be authorized to disburse funds as directed; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that sponsorship and acceptance of grant funding for this program by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners does not imply a continued funding commitment by Hennepin County for this program when grant funds are no longer available.


On June 2013 NorthPoint requested and received approval to apply for Family Planning Special Project Grant funding to continue the program. On June 11, 2013 NorthPoint received notice from the Minnesota Department of Health that funding for the two year period beginning July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015 had been granted in the amount of $595,244.The County Board approved receipt of said funds and agreement A131050 with the Minnesota Department of Health through resolution 13-0258. 


Funds have been used to provide effective pre-pregnancy family planning services to populations within the North Minneapolis community that are at greater risk of unintended pregnancy due to non-use or inconsistent use of family planning methods.  High-risk populations include individuals who have difficulty accessing family planning services due to poverty, ethnicity, age, culture, lack of insurance or concerns about confidentiality.  Funding provides six components of family planning:  public information, outreach, counseling, methods of use, referral and follow-up. 


On June 13, 2015 The Minnesota Department of Health approved extending the grant commitment through June 2017 along with the provision of additional funds. The total amended not to exceed amount became $1,190,488 through Resolution 15-0254.


On January 2, 2016 The Minnesota Department of Health approved extending the grant commitment through June 2017 along with the provision of additional funds. The total amended not to exceed amount became $1,282,507 through Resolution 16-0111.


On April 25, 2017 NorthPoint received notice from the Minnesota Department of Health of a third amendment to the grant award in Agmt A131050 for an additional $343,631. The funds will continue current programming through the extended date of one additional year, ending June 30, 2018. The additional funds will increase the existing not to exceed amount from $1,282,507 to $1,626,138.


The funding added through Amendment 3 will be used to support and enhance existing work to improve access to family planning services at NorthPoint in three areas:

  1. Maintaining medical visits at the Northside Teen Clinic over 14 months (approx. 120 additional visits)

  2. Support NorthPoint’s capability to provide low-cost confidential STI testing and treatment and contraception by subsidizing uncompensated lab and medication costs

  3. Increase contraceptive method continuation rates through new protocols for routine follow-up.


    No new FTEs are requested.  Currently funded 3.8 FTEs will be maintained, consisting of a 1.0 FTE Family Planning Grant Coordinator and 1.8 FTE Health Educators and a .8 FTE Community Health Worker


Recommendation from County Administrator: Recommend Approval