Item Coversheet

Board Action Request

Item Description:
Agmt A177380 with HIRED to provide Career Pathways training, 6/1/17-6/30/19, NTE $587,600

BE IT RESOLVED that Agreement A177380 with HIRED for the period June 1, 2017 through June 30, 2019 using Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development equity grant funding in a not to exceed amount of $587,600 be approved; that the Chair of the Board be authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the county and that the Controller be authorized to disburse funds as directed.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that sponsorship and acceptance of grant funding for this program by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners does not imply a continued funding commitment by Hennepin County when grant funds are no longer available.


Through 16-0471 the Board accepted a one-time direct appropriation of $2.2 million to the County from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for the creation of additional multi-employer, sector-based career pathways (Agreement A166540). Hennepin County serves as the fiscal agent. The HIRED contract is funded from the state equity grant funds administered through Hennepin Workforce, an asset-based approach to meeting the future workforce needs of the county and region by targeting persistent and emerging economic disparities.

The DEED Equity grant funds are intended to expand opportunity and workforce participation. HIRED will provide recruitment, supports, training, retention services and administer career pathways in hospitality, public sector, construction and public safety sectors. Strategies include:

  • Hospitality Training Pilot that recruits disconnected youth for training in the hospitality field funded by $37,500
  • Training in public sector customer service and office administration (PSA+) with $148,000 in funds
  • Training and supports for probation clients identified by DOCCR to participate in Community Productive Day Pilot through $115,000
  • Three public safety career pathways-including 911 Telecommunications training to prepare individuals for emergency response jobs in several communities with customized coursework at Hennepin Technical College funded by $168,000
  • Retention services for six students recruited by the Bloomington Police Department for training at Hennepin Tech through $50,575
  • Classroom and on-the-job training for two police cadets through the Joint Community Police Partnership (JCPP) with funds of $68,525. The two police cadets will receive conditional offers of employment from the Crystal Police Department and one other department at the conclusion of training. JCPP seeks to increase representation of diverse communities in suburban Hennepin County law enforcement.




911 Telecommunications


Hospitality Partner Training


Public Sector Admin (PSA+)


Community Productive Day Pilot


Police Cadet Training (JCPP)


Police Cadet Training (Bloomington)


Total NTE



Recommendation from County Administrator: Recommend Approval