Item Coversheet

Board Action Request

Item Description:
Agmt A189366 with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation accepting a research grant to identify opportunities to preserve healthy families and prevent the out-of-home placement of young children, 12/15/18-12/14/20, $227,600 (recv)

BE IT RESOLVED, that Agreement A189366 with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for cross-sector data analysis and research during the period December 15, 2018 through December 14, 2020 in the receivable amount of $227,600, be approved; that the Chair of the Board be authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the county; and that the Controller be authorized to accept and disburse funds as directed, and 


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that sponsorship and acceptance of grant funding for this program by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners does not imply a continued funding commitment by Hennepin County for this program when grant funds are no longer available.


This research grant will allow County staff to link datasets across Medicaid, human services, public health, criminal justice, and corrections to look at a population of Hennepin County families that experienced the out-of-home placement of a child aged 0-5. Through this rare opportunity to see the entire picture of complex families’ involvement in multiple public systems, the team will uncover opportunities to predict and prevent the reactive crisis response of the removal of a child from their family.  

The County work will be guided by academic partners from the Hennepin Healthcare Research Foundation and the University of Minnesota Schools of Public Health and Social Work, resulting in published research as well as applicable results that can be applied to Hennepin County’s Child Well-Being and health reform work. 

Recommendation from County Administrator: Recommend Approval