Item Coversheet

Board Action Request

Item Description:
Agmt A189289 with the MN Dept of Health to provide funding for HIV testing and outreach and/or syringe services programming, 01/01/18–12/31/22, $505,000 (recv)

BE IT RESOLVED, that Agreement A189289 with the Minnesota Department of Health to provide funding to NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center for HIV testing and outreach and/or syringe services during the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2022, in the receivable amount of $505,000 be approved; and that the Chair of the Board be authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the county; and that the Controller be authorized to disburse funds as directed; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that sponsorship and acceptance of the grant funding for this program by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners does not imply a continued funding commitment for this program when grant funds are no longer available.


NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center (NorthPoint) responded to a Request for Proposal from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to provide prevention services to clients within injection drug use (IDU) communities. The goal is to reduce the risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV ) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection or transmission in this population. NorthPoint received a grant contract from MDH for these services on July 27, 2018.


IDU communities continues to play a key role in the epidemics of HIV and other blood-borne infections, primarily viral hepatitis. Addressing the role of IDU in these epidemics is a challenge because it requires coordinated action on two complex public health problems — HIV and drug use. Issues facing injecting drug users include stigma, isolation and a range of health issues unique to this population, which compound challenges.


Syringe Service Programs (SSP) have become a successful cornerstone of disease prevention in the IDU communities. SSP is an umbrella term for services to clients who use injection drugs or other substances (e.g. hormones, steroids). SSPs may include HIV, STD and hepatitis prevention efforts and counseling; overdose prevention education; provision of naloxone; HIV and/or hepatitis C testing; social services; medical services; and drug treatment referrals in addition to needle exchange and disposal.

NorthPoint Health & Wellness was selected by the MDH as a funded SSP site. As the only SSP serving North Minneapolis, NorthPoint Health and Wellness is in a unique position to reach individuals at risk of HIV and viral hepatitis infections as a result of their use of injection drugs, hormones, or steroids. Funded programs will provide access to sterile syringes and other injection equipment; disposal of used syringes; HIV/HCV prevention information and education; HCV and HIV testing services; overdose prevention and harm reduction information (e.g., safer sex and injection practices); and referrals to substance abuse treatment.


An additional 1.0 FTE is being requested.  This will fund a 1.0 Community Health Specialist.

Recommendation from County Administrator: Recommend Approval