Item Coversheet

Board Action Request

Item Description:
Vacation of excess right of way located on the east side of Zachary Lane N at CSAH 109 (85th Ave N) in Maple Grove

BE IT RESOLVED, that approximately 17,300 square feet of excess right of way located on the east side of Zachary Lane North at CSAH 109 (85th Avenue North) in the City of Maple Grove be vacated; and that said right of way is legally described as:


All that part of the following described tract: Commencing 26-1/3 rods north from the southwest corner of Section 13, Township 119 North, Range 22 West; thence east 12 rods; thence south 13-1/3 rods; thence east 23 rods; thence north 23 rods; thence west 35 rods; thence south 9-2/3 rods to beginning; which lies westerly of a line run parallel with and distant 33 feet easterly from the west line of Section 13, Township 119 North, Range 22 West.


Also an additional parcel described as follows:

All that part of the following described tract: The west 12 rods of the north 13-1/3 rods of the south 26-1/3 rods of the southwest one-quarter of Section 13, Township 119 North, Range 22 West; which lies westerly of a line run parallel with and distant 33 feet easterly from the west line of Section 13, Township 119 North, Range 22 West.


Also an additional parcel described as follows:

All that part of the following described tract: The west 33.00 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 119, Range 22 which lies northerly of the south 70.00 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and southerly of the following described line.


Commencing at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence northerly along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter a distance of 214.50 feet to the point of beginning of the line being described; thence easterly, deflecting right 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds a distance of 50.00 feet and said line there terminating.


History: In 1940, the county acquired certain highway easements in the area that now exists as the intersection of CSAH 109 (85th Avenue North) and Zachary Lane North, including a 33 foot by 542 foot (approximately 17,293 square feet) strip of land formerly part of a waste transfer station at the northeast corner of the intersection.

In 1992, the City of Maple Grove widened Zachary Lane North at 85th Avenue North without using the parcels on the northeast corner of the intersection due to concerns regarding the transfer station’s use and potential for buried waste of unknown composition and structural capacity.

Since 1992, the city acquired additional parcels (PIDs: 131-19-22-33-0002 and 131-19-22-33-0004) on the northeast corner of the intersection and is now prepared to initiate environmental clean-up of the site. The city currently seeks county vacation of this 33-foot x 542-foot strip to round out its development parcel. Once abated, the city will sell the site for redevelopment.

Current Request: The City of Maple Grove is requesting the excess right of way along Zachary Lane North, legally described in the resolution, be vacated.

Impact/Outcomes: Vacation of the excess right of way will permit the county to dispose of land that is not needed for existing or future transportation purposes.

Recommendation from County Administrator: Recommend Approval
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Map of 85th Ave N & Zachary Lane N in Maple Grove11/19/2018Map