Item Coversheet

Board Action Request

Item Description:
Agmt PR00000592 with Restorative Justice Community Action for restorative justice programming, 01/01/19-12/31/19, NTE $100,000

BE IT RESOLVED, that Agreement PR00000592 with Restorative Justice Community Action to provide adult restorative justice programming during the period January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019, with a not to exceed amount of $100,000  be approved; that the Chair of the Board be authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the county; and that the Controller be authorized to disburse funds as directed.


Restorative Justice Community Action (RJCA) provides restorative justice services to Hennepin County residents. The program concentrates on quality of life offenses through community reparative panels, outreach to crime victims and community directed service projects for offenders. Program outcomes for offenders include: offender accountability, community and victim empowerment, community satisfaction and reduced criminal behavior.

RJCA is paid on a “per case” and “pay for performance” or incentive mode. For adult drug court referrals, RJCA will be paid up to $420 per case, $210 for every participant who goes through the Drug Court Orientation in which RJCA participates, and an additional $210 for every Drug Court participant who completes an offender intake meeting.

For non-drug court referrals, RJCA shall be paid up to $420 per adult case, $210 for every non-drug court adult referral who attends an intake session, and an additional $210 for every on drug court adult referral who attends the Community Conference.

The total not to exceed amount is $100,000 for the period of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. 

Recommendation from County Administrator: Recommend Approval