Item Coversheet

Board Action Request
18-0388 R1

Item Description:
2019 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets, as revised

WHEREAS, the Budget and Capital Investment Committee of the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners has conducted a series of public meetings for the purpose of hearing public testimony and reviewing the County Administrator's proposed 2019 budget for the departments of the county;


BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners adopt a final net tax levy of $829,555,042 and budget of $2,359,452,066 for 2019; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 2019 Operating and Capital Budgets as proposed by the County Administrator on September 18, 2018 be amended as follows:


1. That the; Community Works 2019 revenue and expenditure budget be increased by $205,000 for the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Projects grant;


2. That the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office 2019 property tax be decreased, and federal revenue be increased by $70,700 to account for the revenue associated with the 2018 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance grant; that the 2019 budgeted revenue and expense for the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office and the Department of Community Corrections and Rehabilitation each be

increased by $70,700; and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee 2019 revenue and expense budget be increased by $104,400 to account for funding from the US Department of Justice for the 2018 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance grant to perform a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime and improve the criminal justice system;


3. That the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office 2019 revenue and expenditure budget be increased by $75,000 to establish a paperless document management system in the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office Forensic Sciences Division;


4. That the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office 2019 revenue and expenditure budget be increased by $44,124 to purchase a high resolution side scan sonar for the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Water Patrol;


5. That the Information Technology 2019 revenue and expenditure budget be increased by $170,000 for the McKnight Foundation grant to fund predictive analytic decision-making models;


6. That the NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center 2019 revenue and expenditure budget be increased by $285,000 and 1.0 FTE for the Health Resources and Services Administration grant to expand access to chemical health disorder and mental health services;


7. That the Human Services and Public Health 2019 revenue and expenditure budget be increased by $35,000 for the Extended Employment grant for vocational rehabilitation services;


8. That the Human Services and Public Health 2019 revenue and expenditure budget be increased by $166,000 for the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration grant to expand an innovative behavioral health care model;


9. That the Human Services and Public Health 2019 revenue and expenditure budget be increased by $343,300 for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Early Diversion grant to divert individuals with severe mental illness or co-occurring disorder from arrest and detention;


10. That the Human Services and Public Health 2019 revenue and expenditure budget be increased by $542,000 for grant funding from the Minnesota Department of Human Services to provide mental health services;


11. That the Human Services and Public Health 2019 revenue and expenditure budget be increased by $28,082 for the Enhanced Employment Rapid Rehousing grant for the provision of case management, direct assistance, and employment services for homeless families;


12. That the Human Services and Public Health 2019 revenue and expenditure budget be increased by $180,000 for the School Violence and Mental Health Prevention Grant to implement a Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR) system;


13. That the Human Services and Public Health 2019 revenue and expenditure budget be increased by $154,209 to fund housing services for American Indians with severe substance use disorders and experiencing homelessness;


14. That Intergovernmental Relations 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $145,000 and 1.0 FTE for a lobbyist and that the following department’s property tax and expenditure budgets be decreased by: Office of Budget and Finance, $25,000; Resident and Real Estate Services, $20,000; Information Technology, $20,000; Assessor, $20,000; Library, $20,000; Facility Services, $20,000; and Human Resources, $20,000;


15. That the Human Resources 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $138,800 and 1.0 FTE and the Facility Services 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $138,800 and 1.0 FTE and related costs for a Facility Project Manager for facilities related environmental work;


16. That the Health Administration and Support 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $297,822 and 2.0 FTEs and the Medical Examiner’s Office property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $297,822 and 2.0 FTEs;


17. That the Information Technology 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $1,161,411 and 8.0 FTE for data analytics related work and the Center of Innovation and Excellence division of General County Purposes 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $1,161,411 and 8.0 FTEs;


18. That the Business Information Office 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $2,534,957 and 18.0 FTE for Library Information Technology Technical Services and the Library Resource Services 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $2,534,957 and 18.0 FTEs;


19. That the 2019 Hennepin County Public Defender’s Office budgeted property tax and expenditure authority be decreased by $241,800 and 2.0 FTEs and the Adult Representation Services division of Public Safety Administration and Integration be increased by $241,800 and 2.0 FTEs;


20. That the Medical Center’s request to study options for a new Center for Psychiatric Care (CP 1001169), funded with $500,000 in enterprise revenues, be removed from year 2020 of the 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Program;


21. That the 2019 Capital Budget be reduced by a net of $4,680,353 in general obligation bonding, that year 2020 of the 2019–2023 Capital Improvement Program be increased by the same amount due to adjustments to the following projects: decrease 2019 and increase 2020 by $571,153 for

Municipal Building Commission Safety Improvements – Non Stage work Areas (CP 1006502); decrease 2019 and increase 2020 by $2,813,200 for Municipal Building Commission Exterior Improvements (CP 1000935); and decrease 2019 and increase 2020 by $1,296,000 for Elevator Upgrades (CP 1004484);


22. That the 2020 component of the 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Program be reduced by $1,005,000 to remove out year funding for the Public Works Fuel Tank Replacements project (CP 1006385);


23. That the Sheriff’s New Enforcement Services Division HQ capital project (1006425), funded with $200,000 in property taxes for preliminary planning efforts, be deleted from the 2019 capital budget and that the 2019 property tax levy be reduced by $200,000;


24. That the 2019 Capital budget be amended to increase the HSPHD South

Minneapolis Regional Service Center project (CP 1001597) by $690,000 to establish budget authority for the demolition of the vacant building; that the Controller be authorized to transfer $690,000 from the county’s Surplus Land Sale Account (CP 0031292) to the county’s Minneapolis Regional Service Center project (CP 1001597); that Hennepin County transfer $690,000 from the county’s Minneapolis Regional Service Center project (CP 1001597) to the Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority Fund 37 Special Project: HCHRA: South Minneapolis Human Services Center (CP 1002728), so that the HCHRA, the title holder to the vacant property, can proceed with demolition;


25. That the Extension Services 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $110,000;


26. That the 2019 Contingency property tax revenue and expenditure budget be decreased by $117,237 and the 2019 Public Safety Administration division of the Public Safety Administration and Integration department property tax revenue and expenditure budget be increased by $117,237 and 1.0 FTE to provide research, data collection, analysis, and evaluation of programs and services to ensure alignment across the Public Safety Line of Business and all other Hennepin County Lines of Business through partnership with the Office of Enterprise Analytics;


27. That the Facility Services 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $390,000 to fund the anticipated increases in costs for janitorial services, and the 2019 Contingency property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $390,000;


28. That the Facility Services 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $78,650 and 2.0 FTEs, and the 2019 contingency expenditure and property tax budget be decreased by $78,650;


29. That the Dues and Contributions 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $10,400 for a contribution to the Greater Metropolitan Workforce Council and the Contingency 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $10,400;


30. That the Communication’s 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $94,645 to restore funding for Metro Cable Network and the 2019 Contingency property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $94,645;


31. That the Sexual Assault Resources Service property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $125,000 for interpersonal violence and child physical abuse services and the Contingency 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $125,000;


32. That the Human Services and Public Health 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $769,726, and the 2019 Contingency property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $769,726 for additional Food Support, Domestic Violence and Employment Services



33. That the Human Resources 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $145,327 for Step-Up/AchieveMpls and BrookLynk interns and the Contingency 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $145,327;


34. That the proposed 2019 Mobile Food Unit (High Risk) fee of $215 be replaced with Mobile Food Unit with reciprocity fee of $60; and that the proposed 2019 Human Services and Public Health revenue and expenditure budget be reduced by $12,000 to reflect the proposed lower fee;


35. That County Administration operationalize through Board Resolution the establishment of a Jail Population Oversight Committee and that representatives on the oversight committee be individuals with decision making authority. This working committee will meet regularly to review the

average daily population of the jail, to evaluate and implement the recommendations of the 2018 report “System Analysis Jail Population Drivers and Trends,” and to provide regular updates to the Joint Board Bench Committee, the Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee, and the County Board; and that County Administration operationalize through Board Resolution the establishment of a data repository that allows for the regular assessment of what is happening in the criminal justice system with real time data to inform the work of the committee;


36. That the County Administrator be directed to retain an outside consultant to provide an assessment and spectrum of need for mental health housing and care in Hennepin County, including an inventory of current psychiatric and mental health beds, information on acute care and temporary treatment beds and that County Administration present report findings and

recommendations to the county board by the end of the second quarter of 2019;


37. That the 2019 Court Functions property tax and expenditure budget be reduced by $83,300 and the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $83,300 to provide contracted legal services for qualifying victims of domestic abuse;


38. That $100,000 be designated in the 2019 Contingency Budget for the Bridge

for Youth Teen Parenting Program;


39. That the 2019 Human Resources property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $59,100 and that the 2019 Contingency property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $59,100 to cover the County’s share of overhead costs and increase position funding from half to three-quarter time for the Emerge director at the Cedar Riverside Opportunity Center;


40. That the 2019 Human Resources property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $55,000 for Ka Joog’s East African Youth at Work program and the 2019 Contingency property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $55,000;


41. That Fleet Services be authorized to provide a fuel rebate in fiscal year 2018, at a cost not to exceed $8,300,000 and detailed in Schedule A-R1, to departments that utilize vehicles and equipment provided by Fleet Services; that the Controller be authorized to disburse funds as directed; and that the 2019 Transportation Operations revenue and expenditure budget be increased by $1,000,000, funded by an additional use of fund balance from the Fleet Services 2018 fuel rebate, for mill and overlay of county highways;


42. That the 2019 Court Functions property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $60,000 for the provision of full legal representation to qualifying low-income tenants in matters before the Housing Court and the 2019 Contingency property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by

$60,000; and that Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid, based on knowledge gained by their work, assist in identifying strategies that Hennepin County can implement to enhance in housing stability;


43. That the 2019 Human Services and Public Health property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $720,474 and 7.0 FTEs for the Joint Community Policing Partnership program and the 2019 Contingency expenditure budget and property tax be decreased by $720,474; and that in the year 2020 the Joint Community Policing Partnership Cadet Program will be phased out; and that in the year 2020 the Joint Community Policing Program moves to a joint funding strategy, where police departments pay 60% of staff costs and the county pays 40% plus 100% of supervision- for an equitable 50/50 partnership;


44. That the 2019 Human Services and Public Health property tax budget be increased by $223,000, revenue budget be increased by $137,000, expenditure budget be increased by $360,000 and 7.0 FTEs (six social workers and one supervisor) to be embedded in local law enforcement agencies; and the 2019 Contingency property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $223,000;


45. That $80,000 be designated in the 2019 Contingency Budget for YouthLink’s Downtown View; and that Human Services and Public Health be directed to work with YouthLink to evaluate the first year outcomes of the program and present the report findings along with a proposal that recommends funding levels for Downtown View back to the county board;


46. That the 2019 Human Resources property tax and expenditure budget be increased by $200,000 and the 2019 Contingency property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $200,000 for the Summit Academy Northside Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics program for youth;


47. That based upon recommendations from County Administration, the Hennepin County Attorney's Office 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $300,000, the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $1,300,000, and the Department of Community Correction (DOCCR) 2019 property tax and expenditure budget be decreased by $300,000 for a total reduction of $1,900,000, and that the 2019 County Revenue Fund property tax levy shall be decreased by $1,900,000; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to M.S. 373.40, the 2019 Capital Budget and the 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Program, as recommended by the County Administrator and the Capital Budgeting Task Force, as amended herein; including adjustments related to the Administrator's 2019 budget and those relating to transfers as herein authorized, including those shown in Schedule V, be approved; provided that bonding amounts and other revenues may be adjusted pending availability of federal, state and other funding for certain projects, including adjustment of prior year appropriations as appropriate; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that consistent with the provisions of GASB 54, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners commits the fund balance related to the unexpended 2018 revenue as follows: Human Services Fund property taxes and charges for services, revenue sources to the Human Services Fund for the provision of human services and public health programs and services, and revenues from licenses and permits-health licenses for the provision of environmental health programs; and Library Fund property taxes, charges for services, fines and other revenue sources-book sales, concessions, reimbursements, building rentals to the

Library Fund for the provision of Library programs and services; and Capital Projects Fund property taxes, rentals and building and land sales revenue sources to the Capital Projects Fund for capital projects; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners hereby adopts the 2019 Proposed Operating and Capital Budget as amended for Hennepin County with Schedules I through VIII incorporated and on file with the Clerk to the Board, as follows:


I. Appropriates to the funds and departments the amounts and position complements;


II. Approves and appropriates the 2019 capital improvement project budgets and approves the 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Program;


III. Adopts the budget and estimated revenues by fund;


IV. Certifies the amounts to be derived from current property taxes;


V. Approves the interfund transfers;


VI. Approves fee schedule changes for Departmental Fees;


VII. Authorizes continuation of County policy specifying a County contribution toward health plan premium for eligible “early” retirees and limits participation as described in the Schedule.


VIII. Approves the 2019 contingency budget.


Staff requests this board action be referred to the first budget hearing on Thursday, October 4, 2018 as listed on the budget hearing schedule.


The County Administrator is scheduled to present the proposed 2019 budget to the County Board on September 18, 2018. The 2019 Proposed Operating and Capital budgets will be considered at the County Administration Committee hearings as approved by BAR #18-0326 on August 21, 2018, and is scheduled for adoption at the December 11, 2018 Board meeting.

Recommendation from County Administrator: Recommend Approval
DescriptionUpload DateType
Homeowner Impact - 5.20% Increase12/17/2018Backup Material
Amendment Status Template as of 12/06/1812/17/2018Backup Material
Resolution 18-0388R112/17/2018Backup Material